Create Corporate Sustainability & ESG Sponsorship Opportunities, Action Plans Specific to Sustainability Goals

Whether it is an old business that wants to transform into a green industry; Planning and promoting sustainable development strategies within an corporate or industry; Introducing sustainable development strategies before an IPO. Companies only need to connect to “Bespoke Corporate Sustainability and ESG Sponsorship Opportunities” to practice corporate sustainability.

Sustainability and ESG considerations are necessary for company success now and in the future. Will Legends creates its own sustainability and ESG programs and activities, and we connect the world’s rapidly developing economy – Mainland of China – to help companies fulfill their commitments to the environment, society, communities, employees and customers.

Uncover the ALL New ESG Sponsorship Momentum

Will ESG be a successful trend for business? Uncover the all new emerging ESG sponsorship opportunities and navigating business sustainability. Join Will Legend at the exclusive ā€œBespoke Corporate Sustainability & ESG Sponsorship Opportunitiesā€ to gain valuable insights through our remarkable and sustainable projects ā€“ from glaciers and land to oceans. Achieve both short-term ESG rating and long-term sustainability in business, and understand the impact of ā€œNet Zeroā€ on corporate social responsibility, corporate sustainability, future livable climate, and mankind.

Understand the importance of adopting corporate sustainability and ESG sponsorship opportunities to effectively navigate future challenges; Discover the future of growth from maximizing corporatesā€™ exposure in the sustainability and ESG areas. Learn more about WLā€™s ā€œGreen-blueprintā€ and build your own sustainable development plan from a social and community perspective to drive business value while creating a positive impact on the environment.

Optimize Corporate ESG Performance, Maximize Corporate Exposure

How can company management optimizes ESG performance and maximizes exposure while managing marketing expenses and activities? Discover which sustainability and ESG sponsorships will bring future value across traditional or green industries. Join Will Legend ā€œAction Plans Specific to Sustainability Goalsā€ together to uncover new perspectives and actionable projects.

Corporate sustainability and ESG sponsorship opportunities can not only help Hong Kong and international companies settled in Hong Kong, but also convey a new sustainable development direction ā€“ facilitate two-way (dual-direction) sustainable flows between the mainland of China and Hong Kong. Mainland of China companies can sponsor Chinese students to go to Hong Kong to experience SDG and ESG educational tours or sponsor ā€œGreen-blueprintā€ activities; the Chinese companies can also choose to sponsor Hong Kong children to embark on journeys to glaciers, land and oceans in China. In addition to companies achieving ESG performance and practicing corporate social responsibility, we will conduct ESG-marketing and promotion work in Hong Kong for companies that provide sponsorships, create a positive corporate image, enhance public attention and exposure, and perfectly play the ā€œBased on Hong Kong, Backed by the Motherland, Connecting to the Worldā€ advantages.

For a Livable Climate: Net-zero Commitments

The science shows clearly that in order to avert the worst impacts of climate change and preserve a livable planet, global temperature increase needs to be limited to 1.5Ā°C above pre-industrial levels. Currently, the Earth is already about 1.1Ā°C warmer than it was in the late 1800s, and emissions continue to rise. To keep global warming to no more than 1.5Ā°C ā€“ as called for in the Paris Agreement ā€“ emissions need to be reduced by 45% by 2030 and reach net zero by 2050.

In simple terms, net zero means reducing greenhouse gas emissions as close to zero as possible, with any remaining emissions being reabsorbed from the atmosphere, such as by oceans and forests.

As global warming caused by climate change becomes more severe, Will Legend believes that programmes organized and led at the social and community levels can be implemented more effectively. Absorbing the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, adopting green energy to address climate change, and achieve long-term solutions through glacier, land and ocean conservation and education programmes are vital to humans and ecosystem.

Will Legend ā€œGreen-blueprintā€ Helps Corporates to Deliver a Net Zero Economy & Sustainability

Regardless of the scale of traditional industries, it is obvious that green and low-carbon transformation and net-zero emissions will be huge challenges, but it cannot be denied that this will also bring business opportunities for sustainable development. Transforming traditional industries into green industries can not only save energy costs, but more importantly, it can tackle climate change and reduce greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide emissions. On the one hand, corporates can better master the technology of low-carbon products and services during the transformation. On the other hand, corporates can communicate their achievements in ESG and sustainability (sustainable development) to the outside world.

Will Legend advocates green industry as ā€œGreenhouse Cooling Patchā€ – to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and cool the Earth down. We support the ā€œBelt and Road Initiativeā€ green energy industry to cooperate with especially developing countries, to carry out solar, wind and hydropower projects with digital intelligent management to increase the proportion of renewable energy power generation. We support green finance to carry out green and low-carbon transformation of traditional industries, accelerate the transformation process of green technology, transform it into green industries and build sustainable business models, allowing the world to reduce carbon emissions faster to achieve the ā€œ3060ā€ carbon peak and carbon neutrality goals. We also strongly encourage corporates to participate in the sustainable development of the community through ā€œBespoke Corporate Sustainability and ESG Sponsorship Opportunitiesā€, practice corporate social responsibility, achieve corporate sustainability, and the sustainable development of humans and nature.

Will Legend uses glaciers, land and ocean to draw a ā€œGreen-blueprintā€ for humans and nature. Glaciers conserve clean freshwater resources, and water nourishes land with rich nutrients. Water then follows rivers and merges into oceans to let the ocean breathe. Oceans exhale oxygen, and absorb the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide to let the glacier cool, glaciers maintain a balance of accumulation and ablation, stabilize the planetā€™s temperatures, enable sustainable water resources, and foster biodiversity and food crops in urban wildlife corridors. This recurring force of nature ultimately allows the health, peace and prosperity of humans and nature to develop sustainably.

Bespoke Corporate Sustainability & ESG Sponsorship Opportunities Connecting Hong Kong and Mainland of China

Will Legend connects different sectors in Hong Kong, Mainland of China and global, and goes into society and communities to educate and promote the protection of glaciers, land and oceans; Organizes activities that combine charity, conservation, education and scientific research to practice national integration and cultural exchanges; Promotes green industries and ecological construction to enhance the economy and achieve sustainable development in which humans and nature coexist harmoniously.

Will Legend integrates sustainability and ESG works into marketing and promotion strategy (ESG-marketing) to assist corporates in developing their unique sustainable businesses, and enhancing ESG performance and maximizing exposure. By connecting to WLā€™s Sustainability and ESG Sponsorship Opportunities; Sustainable Health Servicesā„¢, SDG8 and Reduce 96.7%ā„¢ Low Carbon Products, let the companyā€™s lofty visions and practices achieve both, and win a positive image and long-term sustainable business growth for the company.

Projects of Corporate Sustainability & ESG Sponsorship

Glacier Project – ā€œLet the Glacier Coolā€

Goals of ā€œLet the Glacier Coolā€ Conservation & Education Programme

For some people who especially live in the cities, it is hard for them to understand the value of nature such as wildlife animals, insects, plants, rivers, oceans, forests, and beautiful landscapes etc.. To Will Legend, safeguarding the glaciers is to advocate the protection of Third Pole, Antarctic and Arctic. By slowing down the glacier ablation rate (with the help from forests and oceans), safeguarding glacier-snow-ecosystem and glacial water sources.


“Let the Glacier Cool” SDG and ESG Educational Tours: Raise funds to support 30 primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong

“Let the Glacier Cool” SDG and ESG Youth Exchange Tours: Organize 4 groups with charity organizations, each group has about 20 young people

ā€¢ Activities: The Third Pole 4860 The Glacier Journey on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau or The Tian Shan No. 1 The Glacier Journey in Xinjiang
ā€¢ Location: Heishui County, Sichuan / Urumqi, Xinjiang
ā€¢ Sustainable Partners: Tianshan Glaciological Station, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Dagu Glacier Management Bureau

Subsidy Recipients: SDG and ESG Educational Tours – All aided secondary schools or primary schools in Hong Kong, each school will be provided with a maximum subsidy of HKD$100,000 on a first-come, first-served basis, the annual limit for subsidizing schools is 30; Youth Exchange Tours – Registered non-governmental organizations, charities and etc., will provide about 20 people to set off during the summer vacation, the annual funding limit is 4 groups.

This is Will Legend Bespoke Corporate Sustainability and ESG Sponsorship Opportunities, with priority given to enterprises in Hong Kong and Mainland of China.

Land Project – ā€œUrban Wildlife Corridorā€

Goals of ā€œUrban Wildlife Corridorā€ Conservation & Education Programme

Nature underpins our society, economy, lives, and our very existence indeed. We should not consider that nature is free, and often take it for granted and overexploit it. To Will Legend, safeguarding the wildlife corridors (green corridors) is to advocate the protection of land and forests. By growing flowering plants and protecting pollinating insects bees, safeguarding biodiversity and humansā€™ food crops.


“Urban Wildlife Corridorā€ SDG and ESG Educational Tours: Raise funds to support 30 primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong

“Urban Wildlife Corridor” SDG and ESG Youth Exchange Tours: Organize 4 groups with charity organizations, each group has about 20 young people

ā€¢ Activities: The Tropic of Cancer ā€“ National Forest Park Green Corridor Journey
ā€¢ Location: Nan’ao, Guangdong
ā€¢ Sustainable Partners: Administration of National Nature Reserve for Marine Ecology of Guangdong Nanpeng Islands

Subsidy Recipients: SDG and ESG Educational Tours – All aided secondary schools or primary schools in Hong Kong, each school will be provided with a maximum subsidy of HKD$100,000 on a first-come, first-served basis, the annual limit for subsidizing schools is 30; Youth Exchange Tours – Registered non-governmental organizations, charities and etc., will provide about 20 people to set off during the summer vacation, the annual funding limit is 4 groups.

This is Will Legend Bespoke Corporate Sustainability and ESG Sponsorship Opportunities, with priority given to enterprises in Hong Kong and Mainland of China.

Ocean – ā€œLet the Ocean Breatheā€

Goals of ā€œLet the Glacier Coolā€ Conservation & Education Programme

Human survival is inseparable from pure water, food and air. Oceans consume an estimated 40% of carbon dioxide, and produce at least 50% of oxygen on the planet. To Will Legend, safeguarding the oceans is to advocate stopping over-consumption of marine resources and reducing ocean pollution. By cultivating phytoplankton and uses green industry as ā€œGreenhouse Cooling Patchā€ to cool the Earth down, restoring marine biodiversity and marine ecosystems.


“Let the Ocean Breathe” SDG and ESG Educational Tours: Raise funds to support 30 primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong

“Let the Ocean Breathe” SDG and ESG Youth Exchange Tours: Organize 4 groups with charity organizations, each group has about 20 young people

ā€¢ Activities: South China Sea – 350 The Blue Ocean Journey
ā€¢ Location: Nan’ao, Guangdong
ā€¢ Sustainable Partners: Guangdong Nanpeng Islands Ocean Ecology National Nature Reserve Administration

Subsidy Recipients: SDG and ESG Educational Tours – All aided secondary schools or primary schools in Hong Kong, each school will be provided with a maximum subsidy of HKD$100,000 on a first-come, first-served basis, the annual limit for subsidizing schools is 30; Youth Exchange Tours – Registered non-governmental organizations, charities and etc., will provide about 20 people to set off during the summer vacation, the annual funding limit is 4 groups.

This is Will Legend Bespoke Corporate Sustainability and ESG Sponsorship Opportunities, with priority given to enterprises in Hong Kong and Mainland of China.

Project of Connecting Hong Kong and Mainland of China – Sunflower Gas Station

The ā€œSunflower Stationā€ activity uses sunflowers to provide natural gas stations for pollinating insects such as bees and butterflies. It is one of the extension activities of the “Urban Wildlife Corridor” and is intended to make the public aware of the importance of pollinating (pollination) organisms, understand their contribution to environmental and social sustainability. By teaching students to participate in planting sunflowers, they learn to ā€œLove Nature, Love Community and Love People Around Usā€, and provide students with a lesson that integrates charity, conservation, education and culture.

The activity starts with the flowering plant sunflower bringing out the pollinating insects bees, and then the bees bring out forest regeneration and biodiversity. Land occupies about one-third of the Earth. It is the source of human life, and the cradle of human civilization. Only by taking good care of this precious pure land on the Earth can the future of human beings and nature be sustainable. Land (pure land) and clean water are essential elements for nurturing forests. Forests cover nearly 31% of the global land area, and are home to more than 80% of land animals, plants, insects and other species. With the development of cities and agriculture, the decline of forest ratio and the increase of carbon emissions, the balance of nature has been destroyed, seriously affecting the terrestrial ecosystem, causing climate warming, increasing pollution and the disappearance of species.

Activity Outline

Enterprises: Uncover ESG sponsorship opportunities to optimize corporate ESG performance, maximize corporate exposure and fulfill corporatesā€™ commitments to the environment, society, communities, employees and customers. Share economic achievements with the public, and jointly draw the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

School Tours: Bring the programmeā€™s objectives into communities and schools through ā€œUrban Wildlife Corridorā€ School Tours. Distribute sunflower seeds to encourage students to plant sunflowers so that they can fully understand the subtle symbiosis between flowering plants and pollinators.

Sustainable Health Serviceā„¢: Protect teachers and students from bacteria, viruses and pests through Sustainable Health Serviceā„¢, protect the health and well-being of the schools, and prevent bees, sunflowers, soil and other plants from being harmed by toxic pesticides.

Sustainable Green Corridor: After the sunflowers bloom, they will become a natural gas station for wildlife. With the help of bees and butterflies, they will eventually bear fruit. After harvesting, the sunflower seeds will be distributed to different sectors in the community by schools or students, to achieve sustainable development of green corridors.

Sustainability Ambassador: Participating students will automatically become “Green-blueprint Sustainability Ambassadors”. Schools can recommend students to participate in Will Legend’s “Connecting Hong Kong and Mainland of China- Sunflower Station” by evaluating students’ participation level, the content of activity essays and the growth status of sunflowers, etc.

Mainland Exchange Activities: On behalf of Will Legend, students will visit Tianshan Glaciological Station, Chinese Academy of Sciences in Xinjiang, Dagu Glacier, Nanpeng Marine Reserve and Nan’ao Island National Forest Park for exchange activities to promote the “Urban Wildlife Corridor”, and conduct other educational and popular science itinerary locally.


Connecting Hong Kong and Mainland of China – Sunflower Gas Station: Raising Funds to Support Primary and Secondary Schools in Hong Kong

ā€¢ Activity: “Urban Wildlife Corridor” Sunflower Gas Station Connectivity Activity
ā€¢ Location: Xinjiang Chinese Academy of Sciences Tianshan Glacier Observation and Experiment Station, Third Pole Dagu Glacier, Nanpeng Marine Reserve and Nan’ao Island National Forest Park
ā€¢ Sustainable Partners: Nan’ao Island National Forest Park Management Committee, Dagu Glacier Management Bureau, Tianshan Glaciological Station, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Guangdong Nanpeng Islands Marine Ecology National Nature Reserve (Nanpeng Marine Reserve) Management Bureau

Subsidy Recipients: All Hong Kong aided secondary schools or primary schools, provide each school with teaching students to plant sunflowers, and provide natural and non-toxic Sustainable Health Serviceā„¢ to the schools. The service period is one year.

This is Will Legend Bespoke Corporate Sustainability and ESG Sponsorship Opportunities, with priority given to enterprises in Hong Kong and Mainland of China.