Will Legend Loves Nature – SDGs, ESG & CSR

I love doing something to help nature and society, not just for now, but for future.

– W.L. Hung, CEO

For some people who especially live in the cities, it’s hard for them to understand the value of nature such as wildlife animals, insects, plants, rivers, oceans, forests, and beautiful landscapes etc. The fact is, nature underpins our society, economy, lives, and our very existence indeed. We shouldn’t consider that nature is free, and often take it for granted and overexploit it.

To Will Legend, safeguard the glaciers, glacial water sources and glacier-snow-ecosystem is to advocate:

  1. Safeguard the Third Pole, Antarctica and Arctic, slow down the glacier ablation rate
  2. Promote glacier preservation through conservation, education and popular science
  3. Organize SDG & ESG Students Mainland Exchange Programme, educational tours, school tours, corporate (organization) research trips
  4. Promote “Green-blueprint Initiative” reaching the harmonious coexistence between humans, society, economy and nature
  5. Promote pure water resources, land and air, are important to the sustainable development of humans, and nature
  6. Promote the importance of glaciers for humans and living things to obtain clean water
  7. Promote the importance of glaciers in achieving biodiversity and ecological balance
  8. Adopt green energy (clean and renewable energy), wind energy, water energy, solar energy, geothermal energy and etc.
  9. Support the “3060 Dual Carbon Goals (Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality)”, low-carbon lifestyle, and take action to combat climate change
  10. Support The United Nations (UN) Paris Agreement, Water Action Agenda, Convention on Biological Diversity
  11. Support The United Nations (UN) 2025 International Year of Glaciers’ Preservation, World Day of Glaciers
  12. Support The United Nations (UN) World Day of Glaciers 21 March, World Bee Day 20 May and World Oceans Day 8 June

Will Legend “Let the Glacier Cool” Conservation & Education Programme

Safeguard the last piece of pure land on the Earth, let the glacier cool, let the ocean breathe, run through the pulse to wildlife corridor, draw a “Green-blueprint”, build a cradle of ecosystem, nurture biodiversity, make human health and prosperity sustainable.

– The Sustainable Conservation Goals of Will Legend

Will Legend “Let the Glacier Cool” Conservation & Education Programme

Let the Glacier Cool, Let the Earth Cool

Safeguard the last piece of pure land on the Earth, let the glacier cool, let the ocean breathe, run through the pulse to wildlife corridor, draw a “Green-blueprint”, build a cradle of ecosystem, nurture biodiversity, make human health and prosperity sustainable

– The Sustainable Conservation Goals of Will Legend

Safeguard the Last Pure Water on Earth

The three poles refers to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the Arctic and the Antarctic. Humans cannot survive without water and land. Tibetans living an average altitude of more than 4,000 meters atop the “Roof of the World” understand the preciousness of pure water and soil. There are many ancient glaciers on the Tibetan Plateau (Earth’s Third Pole) including Xinjiang. The melted water of the glaciers formed water sources. Water and land nourish the nature, forming oases and forests on land, sending pulses for urban wildlife corridors, and giving birth to biodiversity and food crops. Meltwater from glaciers merges into rivers carrying nutrients, and eventually merges into the sea, nourishing marine life, and let the ocean breathe, oceans exhale oxygen, and absorb the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide to let the glacier cool, glaciers maintain a balance of accumulation and ablation, stabilize the planet’s temperatures and fresh water resources, practice sustainable development for humans and nature.

Will Legend and the public jointly build “Cradle of Ecosystem” that belongs to the future of humans, as a seed bank for different organisms and a habitat for them to breed and grow. After all, biodiversity and a balanced ecosystem are the treasures of humans, and the hope for humanity’s future. Will Legend is willing to stand shoulder to shoulder with the public to protect the cleanest regions on Earth. At the same time, we advocate the establishment of “Green Corridor” in different regions, including cities, and work together with the “seeds” of the future to explore and establish a “Green-blueprint”, build “Glacier-Snow-Ecosystem, Glacier-Snow-Economy” to protect the fragile ecological environment and the Earth.

Willy Bee and Seeds of Human Life

The world in 2050 is so polluted that almost all wild plants, animals and insects have become extinct. Under the control of artificial intelligence, human beings have changed from groups to cold individuals, no longer paying attention to relatives, families and communities. No one knows what nature is. Even the human life elements of water, food and air are created artificially.

Biodiversity has disappeared, ecosystems have been destroyed, and glaciers, rivers, forests, land and oceans are no longer seen on the earth. At this time, Willy Bee, a little bee growing up in a hidden oasis in the south, sensed the call of the natural force, asking him to fly to the Third Pole plateau to find the legendary “Roof of the World” and the three seeds of human life (water, food and air), and then start from there to relearn how humans can coexist harmoniously with nature, and then spread the belief of integrating humans, society, economy and nature, and lead the public to “Love Nature, Love Community and Love People Around Us”.

Glaciers Are Not Only Beautiful Natural Scenery,
But Also Important Ecological Resources

Glacier is magnificent, but it becomes very helpless and vulnerable when it faces the enemy of climate change. Glaciers have a very important function, which is to regulate solid and liquid water (glacier accumulation and glacier ablation). The greenhouse gases and black carbon suspended particles on the surface of ice and snow accelerates the rate of glacier ablation on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Eventually the lake level may rise, flooding the grasslands and villages. Another situation is that, if the glaciers disappear due to rapid melting, the lakes and oases will also become dry land, and the livestock and local people that depend on it will not be able to continue.

The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau has an average altitude of more than 4,000 meters. As the Third Pole of the Earth, it is the ice and snow storage area second only to the Antarctic and the Arctic. Here is the starting point of the Yellow River and the Yangtze River, the mother rivers of the Chinese, and also the birthplace of 13 rivers in Asia, including the Mekong River, the Indus River, and the Ganges River. There are 50,000 square kilometers of lakes, 100,000 square kilometers of glaciers, 300,000 square kilometers of perennial snow, and more than 9 trillion cubic meters of water resources, which involve the survival and development of more than 2 billion people, so it is called the “Asian Water Tower”. According to the traditional Tibetan saying, Mount Gangdise is the “father of all mountains” and Lake Manasarovar (Mapang Yongcuo Lake) is “the source of all waters”, all mountains and waters in the world originate from this place.

Safeguard the Fragile “Asian Water Tower”

The glaciers in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the huge glaciers in Xinjiang, such as the Qilian Mountains, Altai Mountains, Tianshan Mountains and Kunlun Mountains form clean glacial water sources. Here is the starting point of the Yellow River and the Yangtze River, the mother rivers of the Chinese, and also the birthplace of 13 rivers in Asia, including the Mekong River, the Indus River, and the Ganges River. There is also the only river in China that flows northward into the Arctic Ocean – the Irtysh River, originating from the Altai Mountains.

There are 50,000 square kilometers of lakes, 100,000 square kilometers of glaciers, 300,000 square kilometers of perennial snow, and more than 9 trillion cubic meters of water resources, which involve the survival and development of more than 2 billion people, so it is called the “Asian Water Tower”. According to the traditional Tibetan saying, Mount Gangdise is the “father of all mountains” and Lake Manasarovar (Mapang Yongcuo Lake) is “the source of all waters”, all mountains and waters in the world originate from this place.

Build a Cradle of Ecosystem, Nurture Biodiversity

Biological diversity resources are the pillars upon which we build civilizations. Fish provide 20% of animal protein to about 3 billion people; Over 80% of the human diet is provided by plants; As many as 80% of people living in rural areas in developing countries rely on traditional plant‐based medicines for basic healthcare. The United Nations established the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (also known as the Biodiversity Plan) with the purpose of promoting the belief of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature. It is hoped that different countries, organizations, and sectors can support the implementation of diversity in their own ways.

Safeguard the last piece of pure land on Earth, let the glacier cool, let the ocean breathe, run through the pulse to wildlife corridor, draw a “Green-blueprint”, build a cradle of ecosystem, nurture biodiversity, make human health and prosperity sustainable. Will Legend protects glaciers and water resources, food and biodiversity, marine ecology and clean air through the Glacier, Land and Ocean Programmes respectively.

Regarding biodiversity, it is easier for the public to understand that there are many types of plants and animals, and a large number of microorganisms are included. But it turns out that real biodiversity also includes ecosystems such as glaciers, rivers, forests, lakes, deserts, grasslands and oceans. To put it simply, all species on the Earth are interconnected. Each ecosystem has different connections, interactions and influences, and in the end, a beautiful Earth can be achieved.

Let the Glacier Cool, Let the Earth Cool

In August 2021, professor Wang Feiteng, a researcher at the Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, member of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Global Cryosphere Monitoring Program (GCW) Expert Team and Third Pole Regional Climate Service Center (TPRCC) expert team member, led a team to the Dagu Glacier in Heishui County of Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province to conduct experiments on slowing glacier melting. The energy required for glacier ablation mainly comes from the short-wave radiation of the sun. The absorption of short-wave radiation by glaciers mainly depends on the albedo of the glacier surface. In the two-month experiment, the melting speed of the glacier covered with insulating blankets was significantly slower. Compared with the glacier without any protective measures, the thickness of the melting slowed down to 1 meter.

Cover Glaciers with “Greenhouse Cooling Patch”,
Let the Glacier Cool

The increasing emissions of greenhouse gases caused by human activities have led to global warming. The situation is like covering the Earth with a quilt, preventing heat from being reflected into space, causing the Earth’s temperature to rise. Currently, we are experiencing unprecedented rapid climate warming due to human activities, such as the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide produced by burning fossil fuels. As the temperature rises, the Earth also begins to suffer from “illness”. The reason is that everything, and all living things on the Earth are closely intertwined with each other. Once nature loses its ability to balance, humans will not be able to survive alone.

Will Legend advocates green industry as a “Greenhouse Cooling Patch” to cool the Earth. Effectively reduce greenhouse gas emissions through clean energy such as solar power, wind power and hydropower. We support the “Belt and Road Initiative” green energy industry to cooperate with especially developing countries, to carry out solar, wind and hydropower projects with digital intelligent management to increase the proportion of renewable energy power generation. Will Legend supports green finance to transform traditional industries to green and low-carbon, transform them into green industries and build sustainable development business models. We also strongly promote new energy corporates such as wind and solar power and enterprises related to the new energy automobile industry chain, through in-depth ESG work participation in society and communities, on one hand, corporates can practice corporate social responsibility (CSR), and on the other hand, it can simultaneously achieve the policy of corporate economic sustainability (Sustainability), jointly accelerate the green forwarding process, and allow the world to reduce carbon emissions faster, so as to achieve the “3060” carbon peak and carbon neutrality goals, and practice the sustainable development of humans and nature.

As global warming caused by climate change becomes more severe, Will Legend believes that programmes organized and led at the social and community levels can be implemented more effectively. Absorbing the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, adopting green energy to address climate change, and achieve long-term solutions through glacier, land and ocean conservation and education programmes are vital to humans and ecosystems. The essence behind the various sustainable development activities created by Will Legend is to make the public, and our next generations pay more attention to the “health” of the Earth from the perspective of education and popular science.

Save the Melting Glacier and Earth’s “Third Pole”

As the Third Pole of the Earth, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is the storage of ice and snow second only to the Antarctic and the Arctic. Half of the world’s population depends directly or indirectly on glaciers as a source of water for domestic use, agriculture and power generation. Glaciers are also the backbone of biodiversity and support numerous ecosystems. When glaciers melt rapidly, humans are at increased risk of natural disasters such as water shortages and floods.

Glaciers at World Heritage Sites are melting at an accelerating pace, with a third of them set to disappear by 2050, according to new research released by UNESCO. These glaciers have been melting at an accelerated rate since 2000 due to rising temperatures caused by carbon dioxide emissions, according to a new study by UNESCO in collaboration with the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

As a special and important component of the global ecosystem, glaciers are of great significance to maintaining regional ecological stability and regulating meltwater runoff. However, melting caused by climate change threatens this important resource. However, with global warming, the Dagu Glacier has melted significantly, and its total glacier area has shrunk from 2.65 square kilometers in 1980 to 0.54 square kilometers in 2020. Therefore, Will Legend joined forces with the Dagu Glacier Management Bureau and the Northwest Institute of Ecology and Environment Resources of the Chinese Academy of Sciences to form the “Glacier Sustainable Partners”, through “Let the Glacier Cool” to further strengthen scientific research on glacier protection, and use glacier-study tours as education and promotion, encourage the public to protect glaciers and water resources.

Will Legend – A Journey to Safeguard Glaciers

Will Legend created the “Let the Glacier Cool” conservation and education programme, which focuses on protecting glaciers and promoting the importance of glaciers and glacier as water resources to humans and living things. Will Legend leads the journey to safeguard glaciers, showing the public and students how to apply the concept of “Supporting Social and Economic Development with Glacier Ecosystems, and Giving Back to Glacier Conservation with Economic Outcomes” – meaning while improving economic and social development, we should practice peaceful and balanced coexistence with nature and seek sustainable development of peace, health and prosperity for humans now and in the future. Although glaciers are far away from us, if each of us can love nature and is willing to shoulder the responsibility of environmental protection while developing, we can protect the glaciers, slow down the melting speed of glaciers, reduce the rate of glacier ablation and, save the future of humans.

As the initiator of the “Let the Glacier Cool” programme, Will Legend takes the lead in injecting start-up funds into “Will Legend Glacier Scientific Research and Talent Development” to serve as training scientific and tour guide ambassadors for the journeys of “Tian Shan No.1, The Third Pole 4860 Study Tour”, for providing students and participants a solid foundation in glacier science to achieve sustainable development of glacier ecology. Will Legend “Let the Glacier Cool” programme is supported by professor Wang Feiteng of Tianshan Glaciological Station, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Dagu Glacier Management Authority, to establish the pride of Hong Kong – “The Third Pole (HK) Glacier Museum & Landmark”, organize academic research, trips and study tours and lead the public to embark on a journey of glacier conversation for all. At the same time, through “Education and Promotion” to promote the protection of The Third Pole, Antarctic and Arctic, so that the public, especially the next generations can understand that protecting glaciers is equivalent to protecting mankind’s most precious freshwater resources, nature and the Earth.

Will Legend – A Journey to Safeguard Glaciers

Will Legend created the “Let the Glacier Cool” conservation and education programme, which focuses on protecting glaciers and promoting the importance of glaciers and glacier as water resources to humans and living things. Will Legend leads the journey to safeguard glaciers, showing the public and students how to apply the concept of “Supporting Social and Economic Development with Glacier Ecosystems, and Giving Back to Glacier Conservation with Economic Results” – meaning while improving economic and social development, we should practice peaceful and balanced coexistence with nature and seek sustainable development of peace, health and prosperity for humans now and in the future. Although glaciers are far away from us, if each of us can love nature and is willing to shoulder the responsibility of environmental protection while developing, we can protect the glaciers, slow down the melting speed of glaciers, reduce the rate of glacier ablation and, save the future of humans.

As the initiator of the “Let the Glacier Cool” programme, Will Legend takes the lead in injecting start-up funds into “Will Legend Glacier Scientific Research and Talent Development” to serve as training scientific and tour guide ambassadors for the journeys of “Tian Shan No.1, The Third Pole 4860 Study Tour”, for providing students and participants a solid foundation in glacier science to achieve sustainable development of glacier ecology. Will Legend “Let the Glacier Cool” programme is supported by professor Wang Feiteng of Tianshan Glaciological Station, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Dagu Glacier Management Authority, to establish the pride of Hong Kong – “The Third Pole (HK) Glacier Museum & Landmark”, organize academic research, trips and study tours and lead the public to embark on a journey of glacier conversation for all. At the same time, through “Education and Promotion” to promote the protection of The Third Pole, Antarctic and Arctic, so that the public, especially the next generations can understand that protecting glaciers is equivalent to protecting mankind’s most precious freshwater resources, nature and the Earth.

Green-blueprint Initiative

Glaciers contain approximately 78% of the world’s fresh water resources and play an important role in regulating the Earth’s temperature, global heat balance and water balance. Will Legend believes “White Ecology and White Economy” echoes the concept of “Green Waters and Green Mountains are gold mountains and silver mountains, Glaciers and Snows are also gold mountains and silver mountains”, jointly practice sustainable development goals. Humans safeguard the Earth is to safeguard the peace, health and prosperity of humans now and in the future. Will Legend firmly believes that humans should live in harmony with nature.

“Green-blueprint” connects the government, different sectors of society through conservation and charity programmes, and then implements them in the community through “Education and Promotion”, reaching the harmonious coexistence among humans, society, economy and nature, to achieve peace, health and prosperity for sustainable development! The “Green-blueprint Initiative” outlines sustainable development between humans and nature through glacier, land and ocean programmes. Practice the concepts of green ecosystem and green economy through the glacier, green corridor and ocean journeys, and strive to protect nature ecology and biodiversity while promoting social and economic development.