Will Legend Loves Nature – SDGs, ESG & CSR
I love doing something to help nature and society, not just for now, but for future.
– W.L. Hung, CEO
For some people who especially live in the cities, it’s hard for them to understand the value of nature such as wildlife animals, insects, plants, rivers, oceans, forests, and beautiful landscapes etc. The fact is, nature underpins our society, economy, lives, and our very existence indeed. We shouldn’t consider that nature is free, and often take it for granted and overexploit it.
To Will Legend, love humans and nature (the Earth) is to
- Educate public especially kids the importance of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- Achieve Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) by cutting out toxic cleaners, pesticides (insecticides), or herbicides to protect humans & nature
- Create Will Legend Urban Wildlife Corridor to increase biodiversity and achieve Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) goals
- Through Will Legend Sustainable Health to ensure access to clean water and sanitation
- Rebuild our ecosystem, increase the number and coverage of plants and forests to protect especially insect and animal pollinators
- Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, allow more natural habitats to achieve sustainable development
- Support forest regeneration, reduce CO2 emissions and achieve carbon neutrality, maintain a livable climate
- Tackle climate change and work to preserve our oceans and marine resources
- Protect the health and safety of humans and nature (the Earth) from the source
- Fulfil green businesses (green services & products) and achieve Eco Living
Will Legend Sustainable Health Protects Humans and Nature
Insects actually live in nature, busy searching for food and reproducing, etc. It is because they enter our boundaries by mistake that we call them pests. Therefore, the best way to turn pests back into insects is to avoid or minimize their entry into gardens, homes and workplaces. Will Legend always prefers the use of non-toxic, and natural materials over toxic chemicals to protect humans and nature.
To guard our planet, and protect our future generations, we created Will Legend Sustainable Health to ensure access to clean water and sanitation. We educate public, and encourage them to love and care insects, animals, ocean and forests. Eventually, we together can create Will Legend Urban Wildlife Corridor – the mini green corridors (habitat corridors, or wildlife corridor) for insects or even animals to increase biodiversity.
WL520 — Eco Living to Future
WL520 – Will Legend & 20 May World Bee Day. “WL (Will Legend)” represents humans, and “520” represents nature (the Earth). “WL520” represents that humans take care of the Earth responsibly and live peacefully with nature.
Will Legend uses WL520 as the starting point for future Eco Living, and has created different conservation and education programmes. For example Will Legend Urban Wildlife Corridor Conversation & Education Programme, Will Legend Sunflower Station, Will Legend Nature School, Will Legend Home For Bees Conversation & Education Programme, and Will Legend Plant For Butterflies to increase biodiversity. Will Legend’s goals are to ensure the survival and reproduction of plants, supporting forest regeneration, reducing carbon emissions to achieve carbon neutrality, improving the quantity and quality of agricultural production, maintaining a livable climate and contributing to sustainable development goals.
Pollination is a fundamental process for the survival of our ecosystems. Around 90% of the world’s wild flowering plant species depend, entirely, or at least in part, on insect & animal pollination, along with more than 75% of the world’s food crops and 35% of global agricultural land. It’s however, bees and other pollinators, such as butterflies, bats and hummingbirds, are increasingly under threat from human activities.
Will Legend’s goal is to work with government authorities, businesses, educational institutions, and other organizations to develop sustainable cities and communities, and to protect the health of humans and nature (the planet) at the source. We encourage public to take care of human and nature (the Earth) responsibly so that our future generations can achieve sustainable health and happiness and enjoy eco living.
To join our initiative, you can simply grow plants or create an entire landscape selected to benefit insect & animal pollinators, and no pesticides, fungicides, and herbicides can be used. The purpose of this is to allow more natural habitats to achieve sustainable development.
The programme focuses on protecting glaciers and promoting the importance of glaciers and glacier as water resources to humans and living things. Will Legend leads the journey to safeguard glaciers, showing the public and students how to apply the concept of “Supporting Social and Economic Development with Glacier Ecosystems, and Giving Back to Glacier Conservation with Economic Outcomes”.
“Urban Wildlife Corridor” (or green corridors) refers to the planting of flowering plants in or around cities, including green belts, country parks, forest parks and nature reserves. “Urban” refers to human habitats, “Wildlife” refers to nature, especially forests, and “Corridor” refer to the habitats of living things. Through protecting “Urban Wildlife Corridor” to increase the forest coverage area, thereby effectively coping with climate warming, and maintaining the balance of the natural ecosystem.
The programme, which focuses on protecting the ocean (especially the South China Sea), aims to promote the importance of protecting the ocean and marine ecology, and releasing clean air from the ocean to humans and creatures. Will Legend encourages the public to work together to stop over-consumption of marine resources. Instead, we should start from the source, cultivating phytoplankton to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, exhale oxygen to the Earth, and provide an important foundation for the marine food web.
Will Legend encourages public to report unwanted bees or beehives around your home. While killing bees is the most common way that many pest companies will do, relocating bees to bee farms is always our first choice.
Will Legend sends adult plants of sunflower to your premises, and let you appreciate the power of natural environment. The flowers not only promote awareness of nature conservation, but also create mini wildlife (green) corridors for insect pollinators.
Will Legend has created a list of nature activities which are brimming with some of the best outdoor activities for kids, students to teens, serving as a starting point for their day-to-day adventures in learning, and give them the time they need to find out what most interests them in the natural world.
Will Legend encourages the public to plant a pollinator garden. From individuals, to schools, governments, community groups, and businesses – everyone can make a difference!
Will Legend inspires people, and organizations to create more pollinator habitats. Plant a pollinator garden, any size is great! From window and patio planters, to home gardens, to rooftops of school, commercial buildings – all can help.