Will Legend Loves Nature – Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), and Environment, Society & Governance (ESG)

I love doing something to help nature and society, not just for now, but also for future.

– W.L. Hung, CEO

For some people who especially live in the cities, it is hard for them to understand the value of nature such as wildlife animals, insects, plants, rivers, oceans, forests, and beautiful landscapes etc. The fact is, nature underpins our society, economy, lives, and our very existence indeed. We shouldn’t consider that nature is free, and often take it for granted and overexploit it.

To Will Legend, love humans and nature (the Earth) is to

  1. Educate public especially kids the importance of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  2. Achieve Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) by cutting out toxic cleaners, pesticides (insecticides), or herbicides to protect humans & nature
  3. Create Urban Wildlife Corridor to increase biodiversity and achieve Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) goals
  4. Through Will Legend Sustainable Health to ensure access to clean water and sanitation
  5. Rebuild our ecosystem especially for insect & animal pollinators
  6. Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, allow more natural habitats to achieve sustainable development
  7. Support forest regeneration, reduce CO2 emissions and achieve carbon neutrality, maintain a livable climate
  8. Tackle climate change and work to preserve our oceans and marine resources
  9. Protect the health and safety of humans and nature (the Earth) from the source
  10. Fulfil green businesses (green services & products) and achieve Eco Living

Will Legend Nature School

Kids Love Outdoor Nature Activity

Nature School allows kids, students, or teens to take the lead in their learning through outdoor education (nature activities). Instead of teaching kids only at schools about nature, and the great outdoors, we’re much hoping kids can act as a guide and fellow nature explorer.

Plan Your Outdoor Nature Activity

There are so many fun ways to learn and play with nature. Forester & Will Legend have created a list of nature activities which are brimming with some of the best outdoor activities for kids, students to teens. We’re delighted to customize nature activities with parents, teachers, and educators together too.

Nature activities serve as a starting point for kids for the day-to-day adventures in learning, and give them the time they need to find out what most interests them in the natural world.

Examples of Nature Activity, Nature Game

Papaya Field Trip & Farming Experience

Papaya Field Trip is a fantastic place for kids to plant the seeds of their learning. Children can learn how to grow fruits and vegetables, and harvest foods (produce). This experience not only good for the minds, and bodies of kids, but also the future of our planet will benefit immensely.

Nature Scavenger Hunt

No matter pickup leaves, or flowers as they fall to the ground, find different colors or shapes, all these of nature scavenger hunts appeal to the child’s natural interest in discovering all clues that can be seen, heard, and felt in the natural world.

Bee & Butterfly Watching

Watching bees, and butterflies are an excellent way for kids to learn about the importance of pollination, and appreciation of nature. This is a fun wilderness observation activity for children from toddlers to teens.

Build Your Own Mini Wildlife Corridor

No matter you choose adult plants of sunflower or start from a sunflower seed (germination), you can build up your own Mini Wildlife Corridors (Green Corridors). If you have concern to grow flowers at home, you can choose to grow your Mini Green Corridors at our Mini Forest in New Territories.