“Green-Blueprint Initiative” – Promoting the Sustainable Development of Humans and Nature
Will Legend draws the “Green Blueprint Initiative” for the harmonious coexistence of humans and nature, walks into society and communities to educate and promote the protection of glaciers, land and oceans; Organizes educational tours (study tours) & research trips, SDG activities, corporate ESG promotions, Sustainable Health Service™, SDG8 and Reduce 96.7%™ Low Carbon Products that combine charity, conservation, education and scientific research, connecting different sectors in Hong Kong, international and Mainland China, practicing ethnic integration, cultural exchanges, and enhancing the local economy through green and ecological construction; Achieving the integration of humans, society, economy and nature, move towards the sustainable development of peace, health and prosperity.
Will Legend Sustainability
Will Legend connects governments, coporates, education, scientific research, conservation and charity organizations, to build peace, justice & strong sustainable partnerships, brings conservation and charity activities into the community, practices coexistence of humans and nature sustainable developments. Will Legend creates and organizes《Sustainability and Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) Programmes, Activities, Research Trips, Educational Tours, Study Tours, Students Mainland Exchange Programmes》. Through Community Giving-back《Sustainable Health Service™ & Reduce 96.7%™ Low Carbon Products》, protecting health, peace & prosperity for humans, now and into the future.
Will Legend National and World Vision
Will Legend takes Green-blueprint as the Cradle of Ecosystem; Practices the “Belt and Road Initiative” sustainable development goals for humans and nature; Advocates for supporting The United Nations (UN) Paris Agreement, Water Action Agenda, Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, 2025 International Year of Glaciers’ Preservation, World Day of Glaciers 21 March, World Bee Day 20 May & World Oceans Day 8 June.
Will Legend Social Objectives
Will Legend advocates the integration of humans, society, economy and nature at the society and community level – safeguards the last piece of pure land, water sources and air on Earth, practices the sustainable conservation goals through《Let the Glacier Cool》,《Urban Wildlife Corridor》and 《Let the Ocean Breathe》; practices eradication of intergenerational poverty, cultural diversity, peaceful and inclusive communities, and reduce inequality through《Take-me School》,《SDG Ambassador For Youth》and《Hold Me In Your Arms Community Support Scheme》, fulfills sustainable charity goals.
Will Legend Green Businesses, Sustainable Development Goals, Environmental, Social & Governance
Corporates fulfill the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Environment, Society and Governance (ESG) and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) by supporting Will Legend’s《Sustainability Sponsorships》, Community Giving-back《Glacier, Green Corridor & Ocean Journeys》,《Sustainable Health Service™》and《Reduce 96.7%™ Low Carbon Products》. Achieving “Spurring Economic and Social Growth, Coexisting of Humans and Nature”, meaning “Supporting Social and Economic Development with Nature Ecology, and Giving Back to Nature Ecology Conservation with Economic Outcomes”.
Will Legend and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
No Poverty; Zero Hunger; Good Health and Well-being; Quality Education; Gender Equality; Clean Water and Sanitation; Affordable And Clean Energy; Decent Work and Economic Growth; Industry, Innovation And Infrastructure; Reduced Inequalities; Sustainable Cities and Communities; Responsible Consumption and Production; Climate Action; Life Below Water; Life On Land; Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions; Partnerships For The Goals.
Will Legend Sustainability
Will Legend connects governments, coporates, education, scientific research, conservation and charity organizations, to build peace, justice & strong sustainable partnerships, brings conservation and charity activities into the community, practices coexistence of humans and nature sustainable developments. Will Legend creates and organizes《Sustainability and Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) Programmes, Activities, Research Trips, Educational Tours, Study Tours, Students Mainland Exchange Programmes》. Through Community Giving-back《Sustainable Health Service™ & Reduce 96.7%™ Low Carbon Products》, protecting health, peace & prosperity for humans, now and into the future.
Will Legend National and World Vision
Will Legend takes Green-blueprint as the Cradle of Ecosystem; Practices the “Belt and Road Initiative” sustainable development goals for humans and nature; Advocates for supporting The United Nations (UN) Paris Agreement, Water Action Agenda, 2025 International Year of Glaciers’ Preservation, World Day of Glaciers 21 March, World Bee Day 20 May & World Oceans Day 8 June.
Will Legend Social Objectives
Will Legend advocates “Love Nature, Love Community and Love People Around Us” at the society and community level – safeguards the last piece of pure land, water sources and air on Earth, practices the sustainable conservation goals through《Let the Glacier Cool》,《Urban Wildlife Corridor》and《Let the Ocean Breathe》; practices eradication of intergenerational poverty, cultural diversity, peaceful and inclusive communities, and reduce inequality through《Take-me School》,《SDG Ambassador For Youth》and《Hold Me In Your Arms Community Support Scheme》, fulfills sustainable charity goals.
Will Legend Green Businesses, Sustainable Development Goals, Environmental, Social & Governance
Corporates fulfill the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Environment, Society and Governance (ESG) and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) by supporting Will Legend’s《Sustainability Sponsorships》, Community Giving-back《Glacier, Green Corridor & Ocean Journeys》,《Sustainable Health Service™》and《Reduce 96.7%™ Low Carbon Products》. Achieving “Spurring Economic and Social Growth, Coexisting of Humans and Nature”, meaning “Supporting Social and Economic Development with Nature Ecology, and Giving Back to Nature Ecology Conservation with Economic Outcomes”.
Will Legend and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
No Poverty; Zero Hunger; Good Health and Well-being; Quality Education; Gender Equality; Clean Water and Sanitation; Affordable And Clean Energy; Decent Work and Economic Growth; Industry, Innovation And Infrastructure; Reduced Inequalities; Sustainable Cities and Communities; Responsible Consumption and Production; Climate Action; Life Below Water; Life On Land; Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions; Partnerships For The Goals.
Green Businesses, Eco Living, Green-blueprint
Corporates’ Sustainability & ESG Partner
Corporate Sustainability & ESG Creating, Organizing and Consulting Services – Will Legend creates its own Sustainability & ESG programs & activities. Through our platform, corporates and organizations can easily achieve both requirements of Sustainability & ESG by supporting our programs & activities.
Corporates can choose to support Will Legend’s Glacier, Land (Green Corridor) and Ocean programmes. All programmes were created by referencing to the 3 major aspects of the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Economic, Social, Environmental.
Will Legend – The Sustainability Umbrella Model
Will Legend designs and produces its own “Umbrella”, and always put itself and its corporate clients at the highest level as “End Tip”. Programmes created by us are just like “Ribs”, and under each rib, we connect all the other necessary “Umbrella Parts (Sustainable Partners)”.
An example will be, if a corporate is considering a bee-related activity as a “Sustainability Mission” (no matter farm visiting or honey purchasing), the corporate is getting an “Umbrella Parts” only, not an “Umbrella”. It is then very hard to position the corporate at a higher level of Corporate Sustainability & ESG recognition, as well as help themselves to earn Sustainability & ESG benefits such as positive corporate image, audit scorings or credits. In this case, “WL520 World Bee Day” public event and “Urban Wildlife Corridor” Conservation & Education Programme suit the corporate even more as they are built on a Global Sustainability Angle, rather than just focusing on a single insect species (bees).
Hassle-free Corporate (organizations) Sustainability & ESG Programmes
1) Sustainability Sponsorship – Corporates (organizations) can choose to support Will Legend’s《Let the Glacier Cool》,《Urban Wildlife Corridor》,《Let The Ocean Breathe》,《321, 520, 608 Public Events》,《Conversation & Education School Tours》, practice corporate SDG / ESG.
2) Glacier, Green Corridor & Ocean Journeys – Corporates (organizations) can choose to support Will Legend’s《Community Giving-back Glacier, Green Corridor & Ocean Journeys》Research Trips, Educational & Study Tours, Students Mainland Exchange Programmes. Sponsor under-resourced schools, low-income students, people in need and social welfare organizations (charities) etc. to practice quality education sustainable development goal.
3) Sustainable Health Service™ – Corporates (organizations) can choose to support Will Legend’s《Community Giving-back Sustainable Health Service™》, sponsor under-resourced schools, low-income students, people in need and social welfare organizations (charities) etc. to practice good health and well-being sustainable development goal.
4) Reduce 96.7%™ Low Carbon Products – Corporates (organizations) can choose to support Will Legend’s《Community Giving-back Reduce 96.7%™ Low Carbon Products》, sponsor under-resourced schools, low-income students, people in need and social welfare organizations (charities) etc. to practice climate action sustainable development goal.
Will Legend offers corporates (organizations) with flexible creating and planning options to meet their requirements or expenses in sustainability, marketing or operations.
Will Legend Sustainable IMC Helps Corporates to Build the Real Sustainability
Implementing sustainable Integrated Marketing Communications is part of Will Legend’s sustainability strategy. Through supporting our “homemade” sustainability activities, programs and unique public events, corporates can control all the essential parameters for a winning sustainability project, receive a positive corporate image, spur economic growth, practice ESG, carbon audit (double carbon target 3060, carbon peak & carbon neutrality), fulfill corporate social responsibility (CSR) and achieve Corporate Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
“I love doing something to help nature and society, not just for now, but also for future.”
– W.L. Hung, CEO
Sustainable Health Service™ Reduces 96.7% Carbon Footprint
Governments, corporates, organizations, schools and households choose Will Legend® “Sustainable Health Service™” and apply it to air conditioners, sofas, carpets, and other indoor and outdoor locations to achieve a healthy environment and practice sustainable environment, health and low-carbon lifestyle.
Traditional pest control, cleaning and disinfection services often use pesticides, cleaners and disinfectants that are harmful to humans and nature. Will Legend Sustainable Health Service™ ensures the safety of humans, bees and butterflies by using green, low-carbon and non-toxic WillNature® Natural Series. By one single service to achieve multiple service outcomes including deep disinfection, deep cleaning, removing allergens, bacteria, viruses and common pests, practicing the protection of ecological balance, healthy and sustainable development of humans and nature.
With the exclusive “Indoor Allergen Analysis (IAA) Service”, Will Legend can even identify 14 common indoor allergens, including the two biggest allergen culprits mentioned by the Chinese University of Hong Kong – dust mites and cockroaches.
Organize and Customize Sustainability & ESG Activities
Corporates and organizations through supporting Will Legend《Let the Glacier Cool》,《Urban Wildlife Corridor》,《Let The Ocean Breathe》,《Take-me School》, 《Hold Me In Your Arms》,《321 World Day of Glaciers》,《520 World Bee Day》,《608 World Oceans Day》and etc., in the perspective of Sustainability & ESG, to bring positive corporate images, spur economic growth, practice ESG, carbon audit (double carbon target 3060, carbon peak & carbon neutrality), fulfill corporate social responsibility (CSR), achieve corporate sustainable development goals (SDGs), and jointly build a balanced ecosystem, and a peaceful & inclusive community.
Create Unique Sustainability & ESG Programmes
Through donating to Will Legend, corporates and organizations can choose to customize and create unique Sustainability & ESG programmes together with Will Legend, for example, Will Legend Sustainable Cafe (WL Cafe), Will Legend Sustainable Pop Song creation (WL Music), Will Legend Sustainable Film (WL Film) and etc. By connecting to Will Legend sustainable platform, sustainable partners can fulfill sustainability and specific social objectives through conservation, education and community giving back programmes. At the same time, promote “Love Nature, Love Community and Love People Around Us” in a practical way, to achieve eternal, and sustainable health and happiness, enjoy Eco Living.
Organize Sustainability & ESG Research Trips, Educational & Study Tours, Students Mainland Exchange Programmes
By customizing exclusive sustainability research trips, educational & study tours, and Students Mainland Exchange Programmes, corporates, organizations and schools in China and Hong Kong can conduct two-way exchanges, promote cultural and national integration, and improve popular science and scientific research levels. Through the exclusive sustainability seminars, Sustainable Partners in Hong Kong can understand how Will Legend integrates Sustainability and ESG elements into conservation, education and community giving back , so as to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Everything Starts from the Source
“Green-Blueprint Initiative” are the “seeds” to Eco Living and the hope for humanity’s future. To nurture sustainable and healthy “seeds”, protecting and educating children are important nutrients. Will Legend advocates for equitable, inclusive and quality education to build the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), creating a more beautiful Earth for our next generations, benefiting for all living things.
Will Legend is dedicated to creating an inclusive platform that connects different commercial corporates, non-profit and charitable organizations. The purpose is to build inclusive, peace, justice & strong partnerships, so that corporates can effectively implement the giving back to nature and society, build green businesses and sustainability to enhance economic growth, live in a healthy environment and jointly practice the sustainable development goals through Will Legend.
Everything starts from the source, humans and nature (the Earth). The true meaning of Will Legend “Sustainable Health” is to return to the beginning, take care of humans and nature (the Earth) responsibly. Will Legend believes “Everything in moderation (balance)”. It is because nature (the Earth) underpins our society, economy, lives, and our very existence indeed, meaning humans & nature (the Earth) should achieve a healthy balance, so that our future generations can achieve eternal, sustainable health and happiness and enjoy Eco Living.